Cut and Paste Poetry
A Personal Necessity by Wilner Cillin
Enter the paradise of your dream
It is a personal necessity
To live your dream
Build it slowly but surely
Step by step, little by little
What you make today
Can be added tomorrow
In time to come
You can build a mountain
Transport your dreams to reality
The time will come
Great opportunities ahead
To get to the top
Keep up the good work
Amazing World by Pierre Antoine Jean Baptiste
When the birds begin to sing
It brings the song of spring
The flowers grow
And the gentle wind blows
A new life start, a new beginning
What a wonderful world
To breathe the air of progress
Discover the beauty of creation
God’s gift to man
This is our world
The only one
To live in
Keep it clean!
God is Love by Jean Robert
Move on
Be a part of the whole
Don’t wait for another day
Time is gold, never to come back again
Do the right thing
The time is NOW
Believe in God
He is the light of the world
Enjoy the moment
Have faith
You can do it
We all can do it
It is within your reach
Keep smiling, God is Love
Self Reflection by Alphonse Vincent
It’s my life
If you can do it, I can do it
I have the power
I accept the challenge
The time is now
When the opportunity comes
I’ll cross the seas of difficulty
I have the power
I am strong
Everything is in my hands
I don’t give up
Simple Living by Fatoumata Diallo
Simple living is happy living
Greet the morning with a smile
Enjoy the morning sunshine
With a sweet smile
Beautiful moments in our life
Don’t let them pass by
They are your treasures
That money cannot buy
It is a gift for you to keep
Give thanks and praises
Make your heart sing
With joy and laughter
Life is simple
It is how you live it
Subway Life by Frantz Desrosiers
A single journey can change your life
Uptown, downtown
Express ride, local ride
Obstacles in life
Deal with the truth
It’s a long journey
A roller coaster life
Don’t miss the stop
Be alert
If you see something
Say something
A trip to the future
Enjoy the ride
The Truth Doesn't Die by Solange Louis-Jacques
Discover the beauty of night and day
Look around and you will see
The sun keeps shining
The stars keep glowing
The seas run to the shores
The wind blows, the birds sing
The flowers grow
Breathe the inspiration of tomorrow
Each day is a beautiful day
Dance with the music of time
Time Management by Guy Emerson Fleurantin
In the book of time
Everything is in your hands
Play it well and wisely
Time is gold
Do the right thing
Each day is a new day
Forget the failures of the past
Build your dreams
Have the time
To count your blessings
Turn away from emptiness
Don’t let darkness get you
When things get wrong
Search for the key to happiness
Dance with the music of time
Use your time wisely
Whispering Hope by Leon Faranot
When the sun goes down
Be the inspiration of tomorrow
If it rains hard in your life, be strong
When things get wrong
Don’t let darkness get you
Let the light glow in your mind
Life is what you make it
Enter the paradise of your dream
Move on! The time is now
Fly high up in the sky
Don’t wait for another day
Believe in yourself
You are what you are
In the book of life
A single journey can change your life
Aim high, fly high
Have faith
Your time will come