Look at the words below. They are divided into syllables. Decide which syllable carries the stress and type your answer in the box. Follow the example below then check your score and review your answers.

EXAMPLE: sun-shine  Type your answer in the box like this.

01)  A-mer-i-can

02) class-room

03) Brook-lyn

04) com-pu-ter

05 ) prin-ter

06 )pine-app-le

07) a-round

08 ) an-them

09 ) wa-ter

10 ) be-tween

11 ) o-ver

12 ) Chi-nese

13 ) Hai-tian

14 )Tues-day

15 ) Eur-ope
16 ) al-pha-bet

17 ) tel-e-phone

18 ) sub-way


19 ) gov-ern-ment


20 ) a-lone




out of 20.
Or you got % correct.